Saturday, February 28, 2009

late night headphone jams

i went to zac's
and gareth and i just stared at some blinking lights
while the others built stonehenge out of dominoes.

then i came home and pet the rabbit
(which is not double entendre
there is an actual rabbit)
and jammed out with my newish electronicish devices
and i would just like to say
that i am very very very happy
with the outcome.

i believe i actually may have whispered i love you at one point,
directed towards either ableton live or the novation remote 25sl.

either choice is socially unacceptable.


in actual potentially-releasable-song-related news,
i have the next one etched out and pared down
but i need to go record some instruments
owned by somebody else.


p.s. never ever play persona 4


  1. Tell Zac to release some of his jams. I hear they're amazing.

  2. they really are! i'm not really sure why they haven't come out yet. hopefully sometime soon.
