Saturday, February 28, 2009

late night headphone jams

i went to zac's
and gareth and i just stared at some blinking lights
while the others built stonehenge out of dominoes.

then i came home and pet the rabbit
(which is not double entendre
there is an actual rabbit)
and jammed out with my newish electronicish devices
and i would just like to say
that i am very very very happy
with the outcome.

i believe i actually may have whispered i love you at one point,
directed towards either ableton live or the novation remote 25sl.

either choice is socially unacceptable.


in actual potentially-releasable-song-related news,
i have the next one etched out and pared down
but i need to go record some instruments
owned by somebody else.


p.s. never ever play persona 4

Friday, February 20, 2009

i love embracing t9 predictive text errors

1. "Book, let of know he you think of anything else i should get from the store!"

2. "Ha ha, when i have internet i am putting that in my clog."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

sharing is caring

so, i'm finishing old things when i can.
what fun is it to keep them to myself?
i am not patient.

so, i'm going to let you hear them here for a limited time.
whenever i finish a new one, i'll take down the old one.
then someday they will all come out for real at the same time.

this time i have two.
i hope that you enjoy them.
i hope you enjoy them enough that it makes you anxious to get them for real.
see, all i ask in return is your discomfort!

like waiting to be released from prison but not being allowed to know when that day will be.

[Edit: Cat Out of the Bag and Safari have been taken off the internet until they are officially release at some later date]

more music at:



we are on a safari, we're wrecked, we're chronicling the sights
we are on a safari, it's always night at the zoo, i won't tell you twice
look at those two in the corner
just let me slip off my glasses so i blend into the masses
oh why'd you turn off your phone?

what are we on? what are we on?
we are on a safari...

don't try to tell me what's wrong or right
just cause you blew your daddy's cash on a philosophy Ph. D.
you ain't got nothing to do but dance with my drop-out ass
so shut the fuck up and shake it like ain't ironic
shake it like it ain't ironic.



the cat is out of the bag, the cat is out of the bag (say that thing again)
i get angry sometimes and i make my friend get mad (again)
(some stuff)
only if you bring that flashlight pass along
tag along, tag along
someday, someday
(some words and sounds)
...shut up

oh they came in through the basement window
but noone heard it open

Monday, February 9, 2009

shifting gears

when i was working on safari today
something snapped and i suddenly didn't "get it" anymore
but i know that's ridiculous
so instead of making the mistake of
continuing to allow myself custody of a song
i temporarily did not love
i pulled cat out of the bag
back out of the bag
and ended up getting a pretty lovely final mix of it
i think.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


i was having so much fun working on 'safari' today
i almost starved to death without realizing it.
i didn't eat or drink anything for about nine (hundred?) hours.

but i got the reverb on the guitar drags to make me vomit a little,
just like i wanted.

there is so much to music,
i think i will never learn it all.
you can just read one little thing that clicks,
and it will shift your entire perspective for the hundredth time.

for the record today that (not so) little thing was:
chapter 9 of william moylan's extremely dense science/art/mind control book
understand and crafting the mix: the art of recording.
the chapter on:
"evaluating the spatial elements of reproduced sound."

it is as dry as it sounds!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

cat out of the bag

over the last five years i've started a lot of things i haven't finished.
i try hard to catch inspiration when it hits,
but it takes a lot of discipline to focus and follow through.
especially when you don't know quite what it's for.

is it for a band? but what if the band doesn't like it?
i shouldn't finish the recording if we might do it as a band.
is it for a solo album? but it doesn't fit with the other songs.

so i built a mountain of half-songs,
and every time i think about starting a new one,
i feel it looming over my shoulder.
how can i finish this new song
when there is so much work to do back on the mountain?
but i try to capture the inspiration
because maybe someday there will be no more.

in the end i just throw it on the pile with the rest.
so the mountain grows.
and the more special i think something is,
the scarier it is to finish it,
so the mountain grows.

today i have started chipping away at the mountain.
allison helped me sort through the rubble
and we realized there are probably about three or four albums here.
i don't know what i'm going to do with them
but i'm going to finish them.
i am going to finish them.

these albums will not make sense,
but i'm finally going to get out of song debt.

it is worth mentioning
that mason proper is in the planning stage of another recording as well.
which will surely make a lot more sense than any of this.

i made a blog

i made a blog
to chronicle the creative goings-on
and the general state of things
so anybody who likes to be in the loop
has this particular loop to be in.

i'm going to keep things brief
because i'm not a writer.
i'm going to format it like this
so it has a rhythm.

hopefully this will help keep me on the rails.